The West Yellowhead Waste Resource Authority is a non-profit organization formed by municipalities in Northwest Saskatchewan and is one of several regional waste management organizations within the Province.
By operating on a regional level, WYWRA can focus on developing an environmentally improved system of waste and recycling management that benefits the local community. The WYWRA region is currently made up of 30 member municipalities which are grouped by area into 6 districts.
Representatives from the member municipalities within these districts elect the Board of Directors that governs WYWRA’s policies and procedures.
WYWRA is also pleased to be serving a growing number of commercial waste and recycling customers within the region.
WYWRA is committed to keeping the safety of our environment at the forefront while also exploring new and innovative ways of managing recyclable products.
Who is WYWRA?
Why was the program started?
To fill the void of limited waste disposal options left behind by the decommissioning of landfills in adjoining communities.
To avoid the duplication of efforts and resources in constructing and operating new landfills within the same region.
To create a centralized waste disposal system that would meet the strict environmental standards set out by Saskatchewan Environment while serving the fullest population base possible.
To receive better salvage prices for recyclable materials based on the volume produced as well as a potential for a wider range of material collection.
To provide a forum for the sharing of ideas and solutions specific to each district and the region as a whole.